Often, when we buy bananas in the supermarket, we realize how this fruit tends to rot and turn black in just a few days. There is, however, a particular method of conservation; this will help us keep the bananas intact for about two years.
Following a varied and healthy diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, our body is a perfect machine, but to function properly, it needs to be adequately nourished. When it comes to eating well, we cannot fail to mention the importance of consuming the right amount of fruits and vegetables every day. In fact, both are considered natural sources of vitamins and minerals. Bananas are also one of the most popular fruits.
In fact, they are perfect to add to a delicious pie, energy smoothies or, alternatively, even to eat on their own. Regarding nutritional properties, bananas are known to contain a lot of potassium, as well as a moderate amount of vitamin A; B vitamins and vitamin C.
However, all of us, when purchasing bananas, have certainly encountered a problem: after a few days, this fruit begins to turn black and rot. We have certainly tried everything to try and make sure this doesn’t happen, but to no avail. Let’s discover together, in this regard, a particular tip. Although it involves a series of steps to be carried out carefully, it will help us keep the bananas in good condition for a good two years.
Bananas: how to store them.
Keeping bananas for more than a few days without rotting seems impossible, but nothing is, especially if you know the right tips and remedies. To start, obviously, you have to buy the quantity of bananas you want; scrub the skin with a toothbrush and a little baking soda; rinse them under running water then dry them with absorbent paper.

We continue by depriving the fruit of both ends and, without removing the skin, we cut the bananas into pieces that are about two fingers thick. Once this is done, simply obtain one or more glass jars of approximately 700 ml and insert the following ingredients in this precise order: a bay leaf; two garlic cloves or two cloves; two slices of chili pepper (previously cut); a teaspoon of coriander seeds; a teaspoon of dill seeds and a teaspoon of a pepper mixture (white pepper, black pepper, green pepper, pink pepper and allspice).
Then we can insert the pieces of banana (in a jar of the size above there will be about a dozen) and another two or three slices of chili pepper. Then we add a teaspoon of sugar; one and a half teaspoons of salt; a teaspoon of 70% vinegar and a little hot water.
How to end the retention process.
Before inserting any ingredients that are not churned, it is necessary to proceed with the sterilization of the stessi. First of all, let’s put a little water on the inside, and insert a piece of fabric on the inside to avoid it. When the contents are filled with all the contents and the containers are simply applied, do not leave everything on the container and it is far sterilized for approximately one minute.

Trascorso il tempo necessario, dovremo solamente asciugare i churnatoli, chiuderli ermeticamente affinché non entri aria, e riporli en un luogo fresco per due anni