Homemade Mounds Bars !


°15 ounces dark cooking chocolate

°3 cups shredded coconut

°1 cup sweetened condensed milk


In a medium bowl, mix together the coconut and sweetened condensed milk to make a thick, sticky paste.
Using your hands, form some rectangles using the dough. Press firmly to make sure the rectangles hold their shape. Every 3 or 4 rectangles, wash your hands and don’t dry them completely. This way, the putty will not stick to your hands.
Arrange on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and place in the freezer for 20 minutes. This will make it easier to dip the candy into the chocolate. Don’t skip this part or you’ll be a mess!
Meanwhile, cut the chocolate into pieces and place 2/3 of it in a microwave-safe bowl.
Microwave on medium power for 30 seconds, stirring, then repeat every 15 seconds until chocolate melts. (If you prefer to melt the chocolate on the stove top, place a heatproof bowl over a small saucepan filled with boiling water. Over low heat, stir the chocolate until it melts (let it sit for a few minutes.) Make sure the chocolate avoids contact with the water and steam as it melts.)
Add the remaining 1/3 chocolate and continue to stir until completely melted. It’s called tempering chocolate. It will allow the chocolate to have a glossy texture and set it properly.
It’s dipping time now! Remove the rectangles from the freezer. If you want to take your time, you can work with one rectangle at a time and leave the rest in the freezer. Using two forks, dip a rectangle in the melted chocolate and roll to cover all sides.
Using one fork, remove the rectangle from the chocolate. Using the other fork, remove the excess chocolate and arrange the treat on a lined baking tray.
Allow a few hours for the chocolate cap to set (time will vary depending on where you live, how warm your house is etc) and Enjoy !

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