Oklahoma nut candy


  • 6 cups of divided sugar
  • 2 cups of heavy cream
  • Half a cup of unsalted butter
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts or pecans


Grease a baking dish that is 9″ x 13″ and set it aside.

Put 2 cups of sugar in a small pot with a heavy bottom, if you have one, and cook it over medium heat, stirring it often.
cook for about 20 minutes, or until all the sugar has dissolved.

When the sugar has softened, add the other 4 cups of sugar and the heavy cream to a large saucepan (or Dutch oven, you want a big pot here!).
Simmer the small saucepan until the sugar is gone.
Pour the sugar that has been dissolved into a large saucepan and stir it constantly.

Turn the heat up to medium and cook the mixture until it reaches soft ball stage or 244°F.

Take the pot off the heat and stir in the baking soda until it’s all mixed together.

Add butter and vanilla.
Stir the mixture until the butter melts and it gets smooth.

Let it rest for 20 minutes.

After the mixture has rested, add the nuts and stir until the gloss is gone.
Putting in a baking dish that has been prepared.

Leave for 1–2 hours or overnight to cool.
To serve, cut into small squares.

Enjoy !

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